Erin's Fresh Pea Salad with Roasted Beetroot, Feta and Mint

This is a delicious salad to celebrate the last of the peas from Te Manaia this season. Team it up with warm beetroot & crumbly feta and you have a match made in heaven. A great side for lamb or even a simple scotch fillet steak. 

Serves 4 as a side


500g fresh peas

2 beetroot, peeled and chopped into battons

2 large handfulls of Zoe's Garden Seasonal Salad, Cuba Fruit Mesculan or other salad greens (eg. mix of spinach, rocket and sprouts)

Handful of fresh mint, chopped

2T extra virgin olive oil

1T balsamic vinegar

100g feta, crumbled - or a fresh, soft goats cheese also works well.

Freshly ground pepper and salt


1. Roast the beetroot in a 180 degree oven for 15 minutes or until a little soft (you still want a little bite to it). Let it cool.

2. Pod the peas! Oh isn't it fun. I love podding peas. Don't eat too many of them yet though! You need them for your salad.

3. Put the chopped mint, the olive oil and the vinegar into a jar. Season with a little salt and pepper. Put the lid on and shake, shake, shake.

4. Put all the ingredients into a salad bowl. Toss it up. Season with a little extra salt and pepper and Hazzzar, you have a delicious fresh pea salad.

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