Al Brown's Side of Salmon with Honey Lime Chili...
This 3 step recipe has a lean towards Tex Mex and has summer written all over it! I really enjoy the combination of the sweet with the citrus and heat...
Al Brown's Side of Salmon with Honey Lime Chili...
This 3 step recipe has a lean towards Tex Mex and has summer written all over it! I really enjoy the combination of the sweet with the citrus and heat...
Salmon and Black Quinoa with Lemon Coriander Sauce
A heart healthy dish bold in flavour and colour with black quinoa, pink salmon and tender green spinach. Serves 4-5 Ingredients: 1 piece of Mt Cook Alpine Salmon fillet (1kg),...
Salmon and Black Quinoa with Lemon Coriander Sauce
A heart healthy dish bold in flavour and colour with black quinoa, pink salmon and tender green spinach. Serves 4-5 Ingredients: 1 piece of Mt Cook Alpine Salmon fillet (1kg),...
Christy Harcourt's Marinated Baked Salmon Fille...
This is one of our favourite recipes from Christy Harcourt using Mt Cook Alpine Salmon. Reared in the swift cold currents of the snow fed alpine Tekapo canal in the...
Christy Harcourt's Marinated Baked Salmon Fille...
This is one of our favourite recipes from Christy Harcourt using Mt Cook Alpine Salmon. Reared in the swift cold currents of the snow fed alpine Tekapo canal in the...
Quinoa & Brown Rice with Orange, Apricot and Al...
This is a delicious & healthy rice/salad dish with organic wholegrain brown rice & quinoa (it has more protein than any other grain and the perfect set of amino acids)...
Quinoa & Brown Rice with Orange, Apricot and Al...
This is a delicious & healthy rice/salad dish with organic wholegrain brown rice & quinoa (it has more protein than any other grain and the perfect set of amino acids)...
Soba Noodles with Beef & Orange Stir Fry
This is a noodle recipe from Wagamama. It is simple with fresh ingredients. Soba noodles, made of buckwheat & wheat, are healthy, quick to cook & can be eaten cold...
Soba Noodles with Beef & Orange Stir Fry
This is a noodle recipe from Wagamama. It is simple with fresh ingredients. Soba noodles, made of buckwheat & wheat, are healthy, quick to cook & can be eaten cold...
Winter Greens
At this time of year, I generally need a little inspiration to keep my Winter greens interesting. This often just involves adding some garlic, chilli, citrus or a variety of...
Winter Greens
At this time of year, I generally need a little inspiration to keep my Winter greens interesting. This often just involves adding some garlic, chilli, citrus or a variety of...